Art of the Kingdom of Qi

Chu Kingdom Rubbing

Chinese Astronomy

Chinese Calendars

Ordinary People

Chinese Cartography

Chinese Geomancy and Compasses

Diagram of The Supreme Ultimate

Old Chinese
The Foundation will soon be adding further topics to include: Han Dynasty Tomb Rubbings, Traditional Embroidery, Brocade, and Painting on Cloth, Chinese Tools, Implements, Baskets, Crafts, Provincial Decorated Objects and Design, Yi Jing (I Ching), Scissor-patterns, Traditional Feng Shui, Acupuncture, 18th And 19th Century Western Engravings of China, The Abacus, Chinese Magic Squares, Chinese Iron And Porccelain Pagodas, Chinese Bridges, Chinese Alchemy, Chemistry, and Metallurgy, Chinese Mythology and Mythological Beings and Creatures, Early European Recognition of Chinese Poetry and Literature, Daoist Deities and Mythology, Daoist Ritual Paraphernalia, Daoist Scroll Rubbings, Buddhist Sacred Scroll Rubbing, The Annual Confucius Ceremony, Traditional Weights and Measures, Scroll Rubbings of Ancient Temples and Sacred Mountains, Pagodas, Imperial Scroll Rubbing, Imperial Letter Patent for Lesser Nobility, Later Mythological Scroll Rubbings (not Han Dynasty), Numerous specialist history of science topics relating to the work of Joseph Needham, with texts and images.